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Ep 26: Forget Perks, Focus on Passion: The Secret to a Happy and Productive Workforce

Joe Morrison, Head of People at the European Medical Journal, shares his unique approach to employee value proposition (EVP). Get his secret recipe for understanding individual career motives and focusing on them at scale for a happier and more productive workforce.

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Guest Bio:

With a degree from Wimbledon College in London England and a wealth of experience across sales, recruiting and employee experience, Joe’s mission is to make the world of work a better place. 

At the European Medical Journal where Joe serves as the Head of People, his focus is to create an environment for Gold Medal Winners to thrive, an environment where people can be the best version of themselves. Joe uses a unique approach to Employer Value Proposition to unlocking teams' full potential and driving exceptional results.

Follow Joe Morrison on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-morrison-3b090945


Episode Highlights

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Morrison, Head of People at the European medical journal, discusses a unique approach to employee value proposition (EVP) that focuses on helping employees find their "Vegas" – what truly motivates them in their careers.
  • Traditional EVPs often focus on company offerings like benefits and perks, which may not resonate with everyone.
  • Morrison's approach prioritizes understanding individual employee passions and goals.
  • The company uses informal methods like asking open-ended questions and encouraging employees to write down their goals to uncover these passions.
  • This approach helps create a safe space for open communication and builds trust between employees and managers.
  • It also fosters a culture of shared goals and contagious passion, leading to greater engagement and productivity.

Balancing Equality and Personalization:

  • To avoid favoritism, a company can offer a variety of options for employee development and advancement for everyone to access.
  • Some career paths can be clearly defined for employees. However, sharing with employees that they can create their own paths based on their goals and how they align with the company's values.

The Importance of Values:

  • A strong set of company values can serve as a common ground for employees with diverse backgrounds and passions.
  • Employees who share the company's values are more likely to be engaged and happy in their work.


Helping employees find their "Vegas" (or individual passion) is an effective way to create a positive and productive work environment. By focusing on individual needs and goals, companies can foster a culture of ownership, engagement, and happiness.

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Host, The Culture Profit

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